Please do not access our i-Banking services through hyperlinks embedded in e-mails or third party websites including internet search engines, suspicious pop-up windows, or other doubtful channels. Under no circumstances will our bank/agents/business partners or police etc. send e-mails with embedded hyperlinks to transactional websites to customers, ask customers to provide sensitive account and personal information such as user ID and password, update banking information or verify their accounts online via such e-mails. Please contact our bank staff or call (852) 2818 0282 immediately if in doubt.

Change your password from time to time. Click here for more security tips.

Thank you for choosing our securities trading services.

We have made continuous effort to provide you with professional and quality securities trading services under the motto “For Personalized Service”. As such, we are pleased to launch the trading service for Virtual Asset Exchange Traded Funds (VA ETFs) listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Please click here for details.

Thank you for your continued trust in our Securities Services. Effective from 23rd September 2024, our Terms and Conditions for Securities Services (“Terms”) shall be revised.

Please click here for details.

Thank you for your continued trust in our Securities Services. As Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) implements Severe Weather Trading starting from 23 September 2024, our Bank has made arrangements accordingly.

Please click here for details.